Brazil Amazon Rainforests
The Amazon Rainforests are reaching their tipping point, and as much as 40 percent of the Amazon forest could become savannah. It's crucial to protect forests that would otherwise be destroyed and become a source of emissions instead of vital carbon sinks.
In partnership with Green Tecnologia Ambiental we have developed an incredible new project following all the current Climate-Community-Biodiversity standards and new technologies for large reforestation projects across the eastern side of the Amazon forest in Brazil. Comprising over 7 million ha our local partner in Brazil may be granted the title of the largest reforestation project in the entire world in alliance with local tribes, data centers, and energy generation developments. All our projects prepared in accordance of VERRA USA in order to be able to obtain verified carbon units as per international standards. The Reforestation and Conservation of the Amazon Rainforests is being implemented in 11 million acres of land with 42,000 people from the local communities and the majority of them belong to indigenous tribes like Kayapo, Xicrim, Pakana, Suruis who only speak their own native languages.
Our partner GTA Carbon have put together 14 reforestation areas and 11 power generation plants in the Amazon, totaling 7 million hectares (about the same size of the entire Republic of Ireland). They also have additional side projects for the creation of data centers and agroforests to produce Acaiberries and other popular Amazonian produce.
There are several options of funding available if there are investors interested in being involved until reaching 1 billion dollars total which will be used throughout the next 30 years. The projects generate income after the first year and from year 3 on wards or before they already produce VCUs. Our local partners in Brazil have developed very high-end and well-organised business which are highly profitable and trendy. The power plants are hydro, and solar but also LNG which are required for the stabilisation of the national power grid in Brazil which is already over 80% dependent on renewable sources only. This is very exciting opportunity considering the global proportions and latest technology and social impacting policies.