
In partnership with Blossom Enterprise and Umlamphlang Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society from Ri-Boh District, Meghalaya, India we are seeking funding to develop a model apiculture center with 50 apiaries, for the sustainable production of organic Blossom Honey. 

The Sakra Farm, a project of Blossom Enterprise is a community-developed integrated farming pilot project and training center for members of the Umlamphlang Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society and the 3 target villages of Mawker, Umlaper, and Umlamphlang in Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya. Blossom Enterprise invested in projects that harness the power of local communities to mitigate climate change at the grassroots level through training and through the creation of sustainable, green livelihoods to mitigate poverty and preserve the natural environment. The Sakra Farm is seeking funding to develop a pilot apiculture center with 100 scientific bee boxes, for the production of organic honey. The purpose of this project is: To generate revenue for the Farm to maintain existing agricultural training, rubber, and pineapple plantations. To serve as a pilot for locally relevant apiculture training to the target villages.

The interested cooperative members will be intensively trained in apiculture technologies, then employed to manage the apiary, and will disseminate this information through further training to increase the capacity of local villages to develop their own apiaries, decreasing reliance on harmful slash and burn agricultural techniques and furthering long term financial development. The introduction of the pilot apiaries will provide Sakra Farm with much-needed revenue to continue our ongoing projects while creating meaningful employment in the target villages and increasing awareness of locally relevant agricultural strategies. Profits from the sale of the honey will be used to purchase bee colonies and apiculture equipment for the target communities, and Blossom Enterprise will assist with the branding and marketing of the honey. Apiculture is a labor-intensive and challenging vocation, though lucrative. Local beneficiaries will require extensive training and guidance, in addition to startup materials and bee colonies. With proper guidance and support, the introduction of apiaries will enable economic growth in the target villages.

Your donation will help in securing the bee boxes for Sakra farm and serve as a model for dissemination of sustainable apiculture to the target villages.
